Tuesday 3 September 2013

Final P6 information

Hey Team,
Here is the final information for this Saturday. You will see the location is Totara Park, which google earth says will take 2 hours 14 minutes to get to from Whangarei. I would like us to be there 45 minutes before the race briefing at 8.45. This means that we will be meeting at Whangarei Girls High School Gym at 5.15am, with a departure time of 5.30am. Please do not be late, and I will try my best not to be as well. Make sure you have checked over the gear list, and that you don't forget your bike! (Matt)

Totara park includes some cool running trails through some amazing native bush and open paddock running through a large working farm.  Add into this a recently built mountain bike park with some lovely flowing trails and there is a bit of everything.  At first glance it looks like a small area but I assure you that the 6 hour participants will struggle to run out of terrain to explore!  I spent a few hours (22km)  putting our checkpoints and I didn't need to return to the event centre to finish each stage like you will!
Here are some images of the venue:


EVENT CENTRE - the event will be at Totara park as per the link above.  You get to the end of Waiere Road and follow the event signage around a one way system.  Then it's through a gate and into the event centre paddock.  Park anywhere in the paddock and this will be where you come back to for each stage.  So your car is your transition point.  Please note - you will need to lock your car when you are not there as we cannot ensure someone will be watching cars for the whole time.
  • Registration from 8am.  Get there early to be all set up, so once you have registered you can use the full time possible to read all the information and absorb it all before race briefing at 8.45am.
  • P6 Start at 9am  - with a wee puzzle before doing a 7 checkpoint prologue plod (foot) stage 1
  • P3 Start at 12 noon - with a wee puzzle before doing a 7 checkpoint prologue plod (foot) stage 1
  • Finish at 3pm
  • Prizegiving soon-ish after

There will be a mixture of formats during the day.  However, most stages will be rogaine style where you decide which checkpoints you're going to get.  Please ensure you read the instructions carefully.
In general the object of the day is to get points.  You can get points by navigating to checkpoints or by completing mystery activities. 
Each checkpoint is worth some points.  The more experienced may get all of these optional checkpoints, other teams only a few.
Throughout the day you will have the opportunity to do mystery activities to earn bonus points.  These are at the event centre unless specified and are voluntary unless specified and can be done in any order.
The amount of time on your feet/bike is dictated by your teams ability and fitness.
Please read the page in your racepack with the Checkpoint Descriptions carefully as it outlines when you are allowed to do certain things - stages and mystery activities.  Maps and checkpoint descriptions will be released throughout the day but we'll provide an overall summary of the day in your racepacks.
Please note - there is no  water activity this year so no tubes are required.
If you finish later than 6 hours of race time (or 3 hours for the P3) - 30 points per minute will be deducted for each minute/part minute you are late.  Your team is “timed out” if more than 30 minutes late.  
You are welcome to finish before the time limit is reached, as the result will be determined by your teams points scored (checkpoints score plus mystery activities score).
The main idea of the day is to have fun!!

THE TIMING - This year we are going old school with the timing and will be using a digital watch and manual clipcards for scoring.  Fear not, we'll guide you through this.  Basically, you will have a card which you record all the checkpoints you visit.  At the end of each leg, you'll tell hand this card to the finish officials and we'll work out how many points you have.  We recommend you bring a least 2 pencils per team (2B format recommended)

COMPULSORY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT - The safety of our participants is important to us. For this reason we insist every participant carries certain minimum clothing and safety equipment.  If it's a nice day we may relax the warm stuff but please bring it along anyway - its good practice to run with all this stuff!
We will randomly select participants compulsory gear to be checked at registration and throughout the day.
Each Team will need: a good first aid kit (must contain as a minimum: 2 metres of adhesive strapping tape, 4 bandaids, 2 gauze pads, 4 cm width crepe bandage, 2 pain relief tablets (Panadol or similar), 2 anti-inflammation tablets), compass, mobile phone (with charged batteries), torch, bike pump and a bike toolkit.
Each person will need: a weatherproof parka, thermal gloves and hat, polypropylene or thermal long sleeve shirt and long johns, a survival blanket, a whistle, bike helmet.  Of course you will also need your mountain bike in the P6 (1 for each team member).

Please ensure you bring your own food as there is nowhere at the event centre to purchase any sorry.

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